Titanic The Musical - A Successful Week in Castlerea

Thursday 26th April 2018 at 3:53 PM

The Society's 50th anniversary production, Titanic The Musical, wrapped up for the final time on Saturday night last, the 21st April, bringing to a close what was a resounding success for both the Society and the wider community. Titanic played to packed house for every performance, with audiences giving highly positive and encouraging feedback throughout the week.

At the beginning of the process of staging this show, we knew that a show of the scale of Titanic was an enormous challenge - a challenge for personnel, resources and finances. But, it was felt that after 50 years of productions, it was a challenge that we could meet, and meet it we did. We also felt that, with a show like Titanic, it was a challenge worth meeting. It is a testament to both the core Society members and our wider community that the week of the show went off so smoothly and so successfully.

The Society wishes to thank all those who helped to make this production such a success, but especially our sponsors and audience members. It is regularly stated, but is seldom as true as this year: without the support of our sponsors and audience members, the show simply could not take place. For the overwhelming support shown in 2018 by sponsors and audiences, we, the Society members, are immensely grateful.

With a huge cast of over 70 people, and support teams of approximately 40 people, staging this show was truly a team effort. We hope that you, the general audience members, enjoyed the fruits of labour as much as we have enjoyed bringing this beautiful show to Castlerea.